
Academy for Animal Communication and Holistic Humane Living


Where East meets West, no borders, no discrimination,
 just pure love for the animal kingdom


Animal Communicator and Animal Healer

Animal Communication Workshops

Animal Bereavement Counsellor

(All My Dogs Are Rescued)

Monthly donations are made by Animal Talk Limited to charities supported by Rosina.

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Rosina is a natural animal communicator. She has made Hong Kong her home for the last 37 years, living with her husband who is a veterinarian, and her rescued dogs. She has devoted herself to the care and understanding of animals, with compassion from her heart and her caring and loving character. Rosina is aware of the importance of animal communication in helping people to appreciate animals as amazing companions, and in guiding people to come to better understand their pets, so that, via animal communication, special bonding and relationships can grow between human beings and animals. As more people come to value and understand animals, fewer animals will be abandoned.

Since she married her husband, a veterinarian, she engaged herself even more with animals. Her home has been filled with an abundance of animals: domestic pets, wildlife under treatment, and formerly abandoned pets. As a Reiki Master and the wife of a veterinarian, she also uses her unique skills together with veterinarians treating animals, combing complimentary therapy with veterinary medicine and other skills enhancing the healing and recovery of animals.

Rosina enjoys her service as she meets and works with more and more people and animals, and has built up remarkable bonding with all levels of people and the animal kingdom. In addition to her animal services, she also offers classes and workshops with her unique ways and ability of teaching; she is joyful in passing on her knowledge and skills to all animal lovers, so that more people and animals can benefit with more fulfilled and wonderful lives.

Using her deep and compassionate knowledge of the animal kingdom, Rosina will connect with your animal companion to help understand any issues that might be worrying you or indeed your companion.

Rosina calmly and expertly finds answers that will improve and enrich both your lives. She will assist you to understand and respect each other better so that you can live harmoniously together.

In extension to this, Rosina can help you cope with the conflicting feelings and emotions that are raised when your animal companion dies, either from ill health, old age, or accident. She will help you find peace and comfort by answering any questions and concerns you may have.

Rosina lives and works in Hong Kong, where she works on a regular basis with people and animals, and where she also runs regular workshops. She works in Singapore, Malaysia, and UK too, and she also holds occasional workshops in those countries.

In her animal communication workshop, Rosina will teach you to connect and communicate with your animal companions. These workshops are fun as well as practical, giving you the skills you need to effectively communicate with the amazing animal kingdom. She has been teaching animal communication for several years, her enthusiasm and compassion for her work continue to expand with care and love everyday.











Rosina是一位天賦的動物傳心術師,同時亦是一位資深及具有高度資格的實踐者。Rosina已在香港居住三十七年,香港已成為她的家。她與丈夫,位資深的獸醫,和營救回來的狗兒們一起居住。她把自己獻給了對動物的關心和了解。她一生全心全意愛護動物並以她關懷備至和溫馨善良的性格幫助人和動物。Rosina清楚意識到動物傳心術在協助人類理解和欣賞動物以及引領人類明白動物 (寵物) 實在是我們的良朋伴侶的重要性。因此,決意透過動物傳心術,創造、建立和增進我們人類和動物 (寵物) 之間特別和奇妙的關係。希望隨著更多人開始重視和理解動物,越來越少動物將被遺棄。


Rosina 享受她作的所有服務。在享受喜愛的工作之餘,她認識了很多不同階層、背景的人和動物,與他們和動物王國建立了很多不只是言語或文字可描述的關係。Rosina 除了提供服務外,亦以她獨特的方式,能力和教授方法開切了一系列與人和動物有關的課程和工作坊;她很是喜悅的她能把自己的知識和技能傳授下去和與所有動物喜愛者連繫和分享一切與動物有關的事情,以便更多人和動物可以受惠和履行更豐盛,滿足和精彩的生命。



再者,當遇到動物伴侶因疾病、健康、年老或意外而離世時,哀傷的打擊會使您產生不平衡的情緒。Rosina 能安撫您的心,幫助您應付矛盾的感覺和情緒,助您恢復平靜,及解答您的一切疑問。

Rosina 在香港居住和工作多年,她一直不停地忠於理想定期與人和動物接觸和開授工作坊。她亦在其他地方和國家,例如,新加坡,馬來西亞,英國等,也偶爾在那些國家開授工作坊。

透過她的「動物傳心術工作坊」,Rosina將會教導您如何與動物良朋作心靈溝通。此工作坊既輕鬆愉快,同時亦非常實用,您必學能到更多有關與動物王國溝通的技巧。Rosina 已持續教授「動物傳心術工作坊」好幾年了,她對她工作的熱情和動力不停地每日在擴展,因為她內心的那團火是充滿着愛和關懷。


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